It's been one heck of a year.
For a year that kicked off a new decade and started out with so much hope and promise, 2020 quickly turned into the armpit of modern times. I can't think of anyone who hasn't been, in some way, negatively affected by something in 2020, not the least of which is how COVID-19 has impacted daily life. For some, it's been an inconvenience. For others, it has brought worry. Still others have experienced loss.
As the year crawled on, personal situations dictated scaling back our work here, whether it was on our blog, podcast, and social media pages. While none of us or members of our families have been diagnosed with COVID-19, thankfully, we have experienced other difficult events.
For me personally, 2020 delivered a hard punch. My father passed away on December 2, 2020, due to complications brought on by stage 4 glioblastoma of the spinal cord, which he had been bravely battling since early 2018. For almost three years, my family and I had been providing him around-the-clock care. He was so strong, and he fought so hard, but the cancer was stronger. These last few weeks have been terrible, but my family and I are comforted knowing he is out of pain and free of the prison his body had become.
Linda Groundwater and Dee Young have had their struggles as well. It's safe to say 2020 has served up challenges to all of us.
But we're still here, and we aren't going anywhere. The simple reality is, like so many people around the world, we're just trying to get through, while staying positive and looking ahead to better times.
However, in the midst of all of this, 2020 did offer us some exciting opportunities!
I'm so proud of Linda, who participated in a big project about Bob Crane. Due to the non-disclosure agreement she signed, I can't tell you anything more about it. (Sorry, no spoilers!) But I can tell you she did justice for Bob in a way that I was unable to do this year because of my family situation. And let me say, she is way better at this sort of thing than I am! That's all I can tell you right now, or I'll get tossed in the cooler. But keep an eye out for our announcement!
Secondly, I have written a feature article about Bob Crane, with a focus on his radio career, for RetroFan Magazine, which will be published in the March 2021 issue. Subscribe to RetroFan by clicking here. You can also purchase a single issue, if you prefer. Special thanks to Editor Michael Eury, who I met at the 2019 MidAtlantic Nostalgia Convention, for this wonderful opportunity!
And finally, we are still working on Bob Crane's recognition in the Radio Hall of Fame. The second we have new information, you'll be the first to know!
On behalf of Dee, Linda, and myself, we wish you health and happiness this holiday season, and a better, happier, healthier 2021!
Carol Ford