Wishing all Dads and Dads-at-Heart a Happy Father's Day today!

Above: Photo of Bob Crane and Kathy Cody from Superdad.
"I have always felt, in my own career, in the
years that I was in radio, and on The Donna Reed Show, and on Hogan’s
Heroes, and now doing the Disney film
and doing plays on the road, it’s a matter of being in the right place
at the right time and having a little talent to go along with it and
experience. And all of these things are not done overnight. And in
Superdad, I try to convince my daughter, 'Take your time. Don’t be in a
hurry.' But that’s tough to tell a teenage girl or boy. There’s plenty
of time. You’ve got your whole life to live. They don’t want to hear
that." ~Bob Crane, on his role in the film Superdad (1974)

Above: Bob Crane with Robert Clary, Ivan Dixon, Richard Dawson, and Larry Hovis during an episode from Hogan's Heroes.